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I've just had the owner ring me to yell at me! I am horrified. One of my work skirts went missing after I handed it in to be cleaned. I went to see them three times to inquire about the missing item. No one could tell me anything about the process of how missing garments are treated. The staff kept saying they would ring me. The third time I've gone in, over a period of 9 days, I was clearly starting to become a bit frustrated at the lack of any communication. After I was again told that someone would ring me, I said that I'm starting to wonder if someone stole it.
Funnily enough I then got a call, but no explanation. This guy just started yelling at me!! When I asked him if he was done yelling, he actually said no and carried on!
At no point has anyone ever tried to help me. So here I am still no skirt, no apology, no explanation of the process and I've been told its my fault.
Needless to say, I won't be using them ever again.