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I was recommend County Coachworks by a nearby garage after a stone damaged my bonnet while on a motorway. It caused a small dent with two scratches and then a couple of other stone dings elsewhere on the bonnet. I have been thinking of selling it so wanted to get the bonnet fixed up so I visited Mark at County Coachworks to ask if he could do the job. These guys deal with a whole range of cars (mine is a little VW) and there were a couple of high end cars in the garage that they were working on. Mark was extremely helpful and gave me a very reasonable quote for the job - so I booked it in. I've just been down to collect it and it really is good as new, I can't remember when the bonnet last looked so good. It is clear that Mark and colleague are really good at what they do, giving the same attention to detail to my 7-yr old VW Fox as the Porsche 4x4 they had to move to let me drive out. If I ever needed work again I would not hesitate to go back to County Coachworks, 100% recommended.

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