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Worcester Park salon *****Rude staff and very disapointing experience******* Purchased a groupon deal for a pedicure and manicure as going to a friends wedding tomorrow. Booked appointment 3-4wks ago arrived today after taking time off work only to be told I was not on the system . Only two members of staff in shop one handed me the telephone to speak to someone on the line. Who I actually regognised the voice as being the lady who booked my appointment . This lady did nothing to rectify the situation and told me someone called Joanna who was the manager of all the shops will be in contact . The person on the telephone told me she did not know Joana's last name !!!!!!! Please also don't be fooled by some of the lovely pictures of the salon they are certainly not of the Worcester Park salon. Avoid at all costs far better avoid Groupon deal pay full price elsewhere !

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