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Dear Jo, I am about to take voluntary redundancy from my place of work where I worked for 23 and half years. However, because I am 61 years of age and my pension scheme allows me to retire at the age of 60 it means, according to the civil service redundancy policy, I only get paid 6 months salary redundancy compensation, instead of 21 months salary. In reading the question and answer in the civil service policy, I noted that someone enquired if this policy is age discriminatory, since there is no longer a cup for retirement. The answer was 'we believe' this not to be discriminatory, since the person can draw upon his/her retirement. I find the word 'believe' is an indication that this is not set in stone, because I think that a policy cannot give room for speculation (it either is or not discriminatory). Moreover, I am a cancer patient protected under the disability law. This policy does not seem to account for someone with a disability like me - it seems to treat any women at the age of retirement in the same manner, forgetting, for example, that I am disable and unwell to go on and find another position elsewhere. Please would you be able to give me some advice. This would be much appreciated. With many thanks, Kind regards Amelia Baracat

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