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When I first walked into the store I headed straight to the toddler section, i asked one of the staff for help and she was very helpful and showed me to where I was looking for. I picked a few items and headed to the till. At the till I noticed some socks around the queuing area and picked out a pair... as I’ve looked up I’ve noticed one of the ladies behind the till staring at me strangely. I had about 3 people in front of me at this time. Now it’s my turn to pay the ladie did not greet me she took my items, one being a 3 tshirt pack with the hangers on, she just pulled the hanger off and I asked her if she could not take off the hangers. I had to ask for a bag and over all I was wasn’t pleased with this ladies attitude towards me and customer service. I’ve asked for her name and she said Tatiana I said thank you and walked out the store. I carried on with my Shopping spree but most stores I walked in the alarms kept going off. When I got home I went to take the items I had bought out of the bags and she had left the security tag on the tshirts. So today I have to go back into Kingston to get the tag removed. I had no intention of going back into Kingston today and this is just a massive Inconvienience. I went into H&M kids to buy some clothes for my nephew and I’ve ended up having a not so nice experience. The minute she laid eyes on me in the queue she decided to be very rude and mistreat me and feel she left the security tag on, on purpose. I had a lot of shopping bags on me you could tell I was on a shopping spree in the sales and after leaving the store I was setting off all the alarms perhaps her intention was to embarrass me I’m not sure. I don’t know why this lady treated me this way and as a regular shopper in H&M I’ve never witnessed this kind of behaviour or treatment before.

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