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Scalded feet and No customer service Came in for a shellac mani/pedi prior to going on holiday. 20 minute wait to start with, I was asked to pick my colours- wasn't told to check the back of the colour wheel- turns out my initial colour wasn't availible. Was told to remember my colour numbers and then led to the pedi chairs. Was told to sit down- sat down and automatically put my feet in the bath below.... Big mistake!! Scalding water- feet up like lightening! Someone topped it up with water- no apology. Had my pedi and mani done by the rudest girl I have ever met- no communication other than to sigh and glare at me. Scrubbed stupidly hard and a painful experience. After pedi had finished moved to mani chair where light crashed down on the table-making me jump! I got no apology for this from ANYONE in the shop and just another glare from the manicurist at the fact that a layer had smuged!! Sorry a light fell on the table love! What did you think I would do! Will not be returning and hope others think twice.

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