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This vets used to be amazing. All the staff, medical and non-medical, were friendly and professional to the upmost degree. Now....they are just increasingly incompetent and utterly unapologetic for it. I've had delays of up to an hour to be seen for appointments and delays in paper work being sent to my unsurence company, which has left me in financial straits when my cat needed treatment costing over £6000. But the worst of all is now their treatment is below any acceptable standard. They tied a bandage so tightly around my cat's arm that her paw swelled up to four times it's proper size (had I not noticed she may have had permanent damage), they left a new wound with stitches uncovered so that my cat clawed them out leaving the wound gaping. When I tried to call their emergency rang and rang until it rang off. No answer machine. Just nothing. So much for 24hr service. However, when I finally did get through they said they wanted to charge me £150 to repair the mess they'd caused! I'll be looking for another vets ASAP and so should you If you care for the well being of your pet.

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